
All posts for the month November, 2015

Close encounters…That make me love people!

Published November 16, 2015 by ccojohnson42

I had been working in the basement. It was cold and gloomy today. (It was a dark and stormy night!…hahaha)

I was cold and filthy. But why not run to the grocery store first to buy my deserved bottle of wine?….and then come home and shower. So I added another layer and headed out.

As I approached the wine display, a man with his arms full was headed cross ways. ‘After you’..he said. ‘No, after you’, I said, ‘I am browsing and may be awhile.’ He stopped and deposited his items on the aisle beer display. He was full of questions about what wine I was looking for, advice on wines, and asked if I had ever had “gluevine”. My Scandinavian and southern ears, combined with his accent made me miss hearing Glühwein.

I loved his joie de vivre. Now….If I had to guess his accent, I would say Greek; Although it could be just my own stereotyping because of his vibrancy…but I am still not sure. He never answered my question on his origins….not that he had to…..not that it would have mattered…maybe not even that he heard the question in the exchange of rapid fire conversation…..He was simply a joy.

He asked why I was so bundled up and I explained about working in the cold. We had an nice exchange of pleasantries, laughs… and I enjoyed his company and advice…though our tastes in wine differed!

As we parted, I thought our encounter had ended.

But I happened up in line behind him at the check out. More laughs as he joked with the clerk. Somehow, after checkout, we again began conversation. He showed me a picture of his wife of 40 years. They had met in Germany.

We also determined that they live just blocks from me.

He asked what my job was. I said I don’t have one, but occasionally volunteer for CAST theatre here.

…Hey, his neighbor directs for them….He did the Shakespeare one…

.My heart constricted as I realized I had made a halfhearted verbal effort to be a part of the next production….but did not follow through.

Sometimes we meet people when we are suppose to. For what ever reason. For what ever time. We don’t know their life…..but they bring us together.

I don’t know my fellow shoppers name….but our parting words were…we will meet again. We both said it with such assurance…. I know we will.

I love my fellow humans….I love people….but this man today…made me adore life…..

Something that some days is hard to see…… For that I thank him.