
All posts for the month October, 2014

The Feathers

Published October 13, 2014 by ccojohnson42


The Feathers~~~~~~~

I don’t have much call to walk out my driveway. It is ingress and egress only for my car. The yard work along there is minimal. But strolling through the yard one day, enjoying the beautiful sunshine on my face, I decided to take that path.

Under the cedar tree I found a beautiful feather. I brought it in to put on the mantel along with others I had collected at the duck ponds. A few days later, because I was barefoot, I decided to take the driveway again to the alley. I found another feather! Several days later, while pondering on the deck, I thought of the feathers and walked down the drive.

Lo and behold! There was yet another feather. I then connected that all of these feathers were in the same spot. I looked for a nest in the tree, but found none. Days would go by before I would think of the feathers again. But every time I would remember and go look, there would be another feather….in the same spot.

One such day I was waiting for a friend to come for coffee. I didn’t surprise me at all when I found another one. I kept it in my hand so I would remember to tell her about the never ending feathers. I had just finished telling her the story when my visiting husband drove in from a golf outing. As he walked up to the house with his clubs he had a big smile. “I have a present for you!” He reached in the bag and pulled out a huge hawk feather. Now I hadn’t told him about the feathers at all, though he does know I have a love of nature. My friend and I could only exchange WTF looks.

This same friend and I were recently readying for vacation. We were at her house deciding who would bring what. As we walked into her great room, we both spied it at the same time; A feather lying in the middle of the vast floor space.

Last week while on vacation, I was spending a lazy Sunday in the pool. I had the whole thing to myself and would just drift back and forth, soaking up the glory of my life. I would close my eyes and float. I heard a noise and opened my eyes… a feather floating inches from my face.

This last weekend I was sitting in bar, telling a girlfriend about my trip.  The feathers came up and as I told her my tale she never said a word. I finished and she was about to start to reply as I reached for my wine glass…..and on my sleeve was a feather. She freaked out, but somehow I have gotten so used to them, I could only laugh.

I don’t know what they signify, but I know they are being sent to me for a reason. In the midst of writing this, my trip friend stopped for coffee.  I waved as she backed out the driveway….and then….I just had to go check…….

Yep, on this blustery day….2 feathers laid just where I knew they would be.